Registration Process
How to apply
- Last date for application is 15th February 2025.
- The complete application form may be sent to
- or
- Directly apply through the google form at this link.
Registraion Link
Only, the finally selected candidates will be informed by email on 28th February 2025,
and they must deposit/transfer the non refundable registration fee before 10th March 2025.
The complete application form must contain the following details:
- Name
- Age
- Department and University/Institute Postal address
- E-mail Address
- Mobile no.
- Educational qualifications from graduation onward indicating a year of passing
- Present affiliation
& research experience in brief (8) letter of recommendation from the present employer/research supervisor (for Ph.D. candidates)
- Write up of present work/research interest including a statement of purpose regarding the importance of electron tomography in your research
Registration Fee
- AIIMS Student/AIIMS Researchers - Rs.2500/-
- PhD/Faculties/Scientist/Post Doc - Rs.5000/-
- Industry - Rs.7500/-
- Foreign Delegates - NA
(Registration fee includes workshop fee, workshop materials, catering during the day including lunch)
NOTE: The course fee does not include boarding. Participants are advised to arrange for boarding well ahead of the conference.